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How to write the best Capsim final report for Great Results

The culmination of your experience in running the Capsim simulation assignment is coming up with a Capsim final report. In the report, you will detail all the experience, the lessons, and the analysis of the business strategies that you implemented while running the company as the CEO and the experience of working with others.


In the following article, you will have a sample Capsim final report through which you will learn all the details that go into the making of such a report, after which you can go forward and do your own report. This major and final project demonstrates your ability to synthesize and interpret the market segment for each of the products in your product portfolio and how well to adjust and make decisions in order to gain significant market share, generate revenue and profit, and win in the simulation.

Company Overview, mission, and vision

The company deals in the manufacture of sensors in the electronic sensor industry. We have market share in the five market segments, namely the traditional segment, the high tech segment, the low-end segment, and the size and performance segments.

The company’s vision and mission statement focus on delivering high-quality sensors that deliver on performance and deliver value to the customers in the business competitive environment. This way the company meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Company strategy analysis

In order to gain market share in the segments in the area of operation that the company was in, the company maintained its focus as the cost leader and the differentiation strategy. This was effectively spread out among the different departments in the company. That is the research and development area, the production unit, the marketing department, and the finance sector.

For the marketing department, the company increased the promotional and advertising budget to increase the level of awareness of the products. This also raises the awareness ratings for the products and creates anticipation from the consumers. The company tapped on this to increase survey ratings and increase the ease of entering and gaining market share in the different segments such as the high-end market and low-end segments. As for the sales budget, the company maximized the number of times and frequency that the salesforce department spent on selling each product. By increasing the sales budget the company was able to market and increase the visibility of the products much more efficiently.

For the production decisions, the company made numerous strides that would make sure the production was running efficiently with no compromise to the quality of the products. There was a boost in the automation of the plants to speed up manufacturing. Automation was also important as it enabled the company to save costs that would have otherwise been spent on hiring additional employees. Apart from keeping costs low, this also meant that the workmanship was standard for all the sensors and it was easy to locate and correct any errors that arose from the production line.

In R&D, we tried to keep up with the changing needs of the customers for all the market segments in order to compete favorably in this highly competitive market. This means investing in the quality and improvement of the products to maintain high customer satisfaction

When it came to financial decisions we tried as much as possible to avert taking emergency loans but this was not the case as we had to take the loan during some rounds in order to keep afloat. This affected our performance in some of the rounds.

We analyzed in detail the company’s standing and strategies using the SWOT analysis to get a detailed idea of the performance and thought process of the company.

Company SWOT analysis.


These are the strategies and key features of the company that make it stand out, thus giving it a competitive advantage over rival companies.

The company spent more money in order to hire high-level employees to reduce labor costs as well as lower turnover rates. This was coupled with increasing work satisfaction among the workers through fair and above-the-market compensation to make sure there are fewer turnover rates.

The company invested in training sessions to upgrade and improve employee skills. This had a positive impact on the overall quality of workmanship displayed by the employees. There were fewer rejects and the overall productivity index was raised.

Investing in TQM initiatives coupled with other complementary efforts across the company enabled the company to enhance its cost strategy in terms of low production costs and cheaper material costs.

Aggressive spending on marketing and advertisement made sure there was high customer awareness for our products in the market segments where the company was in operation. We were able to grow awareness up to 84% by increasing the promo budget and the sales budget and maintaining it between 2.0M $ and 1.7M$.


These are some of the shortcomings of the strategies and execution of the plans laid out by the company. In the first steps of the simulation we had little to no knowledge of how to run the simulation. This cost us valuable time as well as resources as we tried to learn as quickly as possible in order to catch up. The end effect was that our score was affected in the first rounds.

We failed to invest more into the research and development. This led to mixed results. For example, we learned that the most superior products do not always translate to higher sales even in the nano and elite segment where we tried the broad differentiation strategy, banking on providing unique and high performing products We should have kept the budget modest even in this high-end segment.

We also learned that the low-end segment customers do not really care much about innovation but rather bank on products that are effective and which have been tried and tested over time so there is no need to spend a lot on resources on R&D in the low-end and traditional segment

Initially, we were not able to utilize important resources such as the sales forecast which would have guided us in making production adjustments to some of the products. For example, the sales forecast showed that customer demand would increase over a certain period in the future, and in order to meet that demand, companies should increase the plant capacity and produce enough products to satisfy the needs of all the customers. Unfortunately, we missed out on some of these opportunities.


There was an opportunity to expand from the traditional market and expand into the highly profitable performance and size segments of the industry where the consumers are keen on spending on highly innovative products with great quality and unique style and design features.

With the ease of access to the market, there is an opportunity to produce sensors that are highly innovative and appeal to the market that is driven by high quality and search for unique style features and designs. This means that there is an area in the high-end market that needs a company to fulfill these needs.

Given the size of the traditional segment, the company sees an opportunity of tapping into this field which has a high number of consumers for products as compared to the other segments.

With the industry reports and the sales forecast, the company is able to make informed and data-backed strategies on production factors so as to meet the customer demand and satisfaction by producing adequate sensors that cater to the various industry segments and market share.


These are the outside forces that threatened the business and over which the company had little or no control. They are

Ethical, social, and legal Challenges.

During the process of running the global company, there were various challenges that arose from different areas.

Global considerations

In order for the company to attain its footing and be a leader in the sensor industry, it has to align its strategy with the mission and vision that it has set. In order to achieve this milestone, there are key lessons and considerations that can be implemented from the previous financial years and the lessons from those participation rounds. These considerations are

Reflection from the Capsim Challenge

The overall experience during the entire challenge provided an exciting opportunity to put our hands on deck and have the ability to run a global company towards success and see how well it performs on the same level with other competitors. Some of the key lessons that we learned from the simulation were

During the simulation itself, there were unique challenges that we faced that are

Key learning points from the simulation

The entire duration of the simulation provided great learning opportunities and some important lessons to be carried forward to the real business world. These lessons include;

Application for the lessons

The entire simulation offered a myriad of lessons that can be applied in the current business environment.

Enhanced communication skills. Because the simulation requires the members to collaborate and work with each other, communication skills are put to the test for every individual. One quickly realizes the importance of speaking up and acting cordially and professionally even if not all members are in agreement with your ideas.

Planning is very important when coming up with strategic decisions. In order to better understand and have an informed plan and solutions for any particular industry, it is important o pay attention to the industry conditions report. These give a sound opinion backed by data and key industry conditions and trends.

It is important to understand business principles. While the whole simulation process was a new and foreign concept, there are definitely key principles that should be adhered to when running a business. For example, for any strategy to succeed, allocating significant resources towards the strategy and the laid out plans while paying attention to the customer need and customer demand is crucial.

In case a strategy does not work or yield the required results, it is important to adapt and change as quickly as possible. Failure to do so will lead the company to continue losing valuable resources on strategies that do not work, which is very dangerous because the company might get into debt, which affects the competitive advantage of the company and affects other areas of the company such as the value of the stock price.

As you have observed, the Capsim final report sample gives you a detailed account of how to craft your own report. It shows you the key elements to include and show in your report, right from the strategies that you took and if they went well or not to the shift that led to the changes in the strategy. You should also include your personal experience of how it was running the simulation with other members o the team, your feelings about working with others to come up with a united strategy, and most importantly the lessons that you will take along with you and how they can be applied in a real-life business setting.

Because all these occurrences do not occur at the same time, you should be noting them down as they occur in a step-by-step process during the running of the simulation. This way you are able to give a full account in a detailed manner from one incident connecting with the other and how it all comes together to give a detailed experience of the assignment in the form of a final report.

In your own report, you should include the appendices and the reference section that shows the reader your figures that are in the form of charts or diagrams.

Or you can get your Capsim Final Report done by our experts at an affordable fee. Visit Capsim Final Report Writing Help to get a quote.

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